Who have you been?  And who are you becoming?

Every six months I have a date with Integration. For a week, I dedicate time each day to anchor my Life’s experiences, harness my lessons, liberate any tied-up life-force from the fossilization of blame (self, others, situations), close chapters and refine my direction for restored clarity.

This process has been so fulfilling that it feels selfish to keep it to myself. So, this time, after my last day of integration, I sat down and wrote out each step so that I could share it with initiates who are ready to experience crystal-clear clarity of who you Are and who you are Becoming.

As your life experiences impact you,

Who are you Becoming?

Each time I come back to this process it seems to enchant more power into my Life. Without fail it delivers the  renewed clarity I need to envision and relax into the  next six months of my Life.

 I’m discovering that it does something else as well…

As I go over the previous six months and take pause to spend time with the Life I have lived,  I notice my capacity to hold beauty, joy and pleasure expands exponentially.

Through this process my body, my energy field and my nervous system are actually learning to push the edges of how much they can hold. 

With each integration I practice holding just a bit more of everything. 

I can hold myself tighter as my deeper pain arises but I can also hold more compliments, hold more astonishment for who I’m becoming. I can hold larger amounts of money and be present to it. 

I can hold more patience for unanswered questions. I can hold more Mystery, desire and surrender. 

As I integrate I am holding bigger creations, more generosity and understanding, greater ideas for my future and much, much more pleasure is rolling through my body for longer periods of time. And I’m feeling it.

My capacity on all levels is amplified.

I feel myself building both stamina and expansion in tandem.


DAY 1:

The Art of Cherishing

DAY 2:

Fine-tuning & Assimilating Your Lessons

DAY 3:

Your Master Choice-Point: Forgetting or Forgiving?

DAY 4:

Creating a Framework to Support Your Highest Outcomes

DAY 5:

Courting Desire & Expanding Your Capacity to Receive 

DAY 6:

Celebration and Self-Reclamation

Choose YourSelf Now

Why is this process important now?

Integration is the medicine for overwhelm and under-claimed personal sovereignty.

I started doing this out of necessity…

I was living my everyday going from one hustle to the next, from one experience to the next, from one idea to the next. Life, emails, messages, bills, my business, my phone, my family, my dishes, my workouts, - even planning my trips - we’re all creating a continual rhythmic push forward without offering the empty space I needed to just stop to celebrate my wins, integrate my losses as lessons and recalibrate my course.

This process has set me up to lead my life from a grounded awareness of who I’ve Been combined with the exciting prospect of who I Am Becoming.

It’s practicing how to anchor gratitude & court desire

at the same time.

Integration is for everyone

(but not everyone has the presence or humility to stop for second.)

This process will move you from:

  • overwhelm and burnout

  • feeling under-resourced or under-equipped

  • a diminished sense-of-self or personal sovereignty

  • struggling to find clarity & direction

  • the discomfort of transition

  • resistance to change

to an expanded capacity to hold more.

(And more is a personal thing.)

Do you want to hold more capacity, more clarity, more direction, more money, more love, more compassion, more presence, more focus, more beauty, more intuition, more purpose, more pleasure, more endlessness?

Who is this for & where will it take you?

You are Your Oracle.



  • 6 60/90 minute Sessions

  • Guided energy clearing practices, anchorings and integrations


If you are currently under-resourced but would like to participate please send us a message at

Hi, I’m Kristen Nicole Grove, I spring up from nothing and will one day return to nothing. 

But in the meantime, I’ve had countless encounters with the multidimensions. I’ve learned how to navigate an often incessant 'reporting-from-the-future' claircognizance. I’ve been held and guided by wonderful mentors and teachers. I’ve deeply engaged in pleasure and fun and I’ve also been tirelessly humbled by emptying pain, death and loss.

A little background:

I first arrived in Europe 25 years ago to become a mosaic artist. After finishing my degrees in Art History and Italian I went to a bizantine academy to learn ancient mosaic technique. I started apprenticing in a small, windowless studio in Ravenna, Italy and spent my days cutting chunks of marble into little perfect squares. I then had to put those marble squares together, one by one, following a pattern and a color scheme so that they became a complete picture and story.

My life has continued to mirror and repeat that process. I continue to spend time, focus and precision on refining coarse life curricula so that I can piece the lessons together in an artful way to see the bigger picture.

So I can turn these pieces of learning into knowledge.

I was not destined to that little studio. From there I was called, by way of my best friend, to participate in the castings for on-screen talent for Italian MTV.  I loved music and I loved my friend so I accepted the invite. 

We went at it with a definitive dose of silliness, joy and a we’ll-see-where-this-takes- us attitude.

We weren't very attached to the outcome, we were courting a major dose of innocence and having fun just playing VJ while we created our demo reel. 

After watching our very homemade reel, we were invited to an official tryout. At the studios we met with real VJ material: flashy, beautiful, cosmopolitan men and women… actors and models who knew what it felt like to talk to a camera. My windowless studio laughed at my level of provinciality. We were feeling small and under-equipped but we were also determined to follow through and make fun memories. We leaned into the force of our connection. 

After about a month of call-backs the casting crew had stopped calling and I decided to leave Italy and move to NYC.

It turned out that this first conscious act of enjoyment+doing our best+letting go conspired to land us the job! MTV called me back from NYC and for the following 10 years we travelled around the world interviewing rockstars and hosting awards shows and live concerts.

While I was working for MTV in Europe I fell in love and married a man from Argentina (still love him, no longer together, soul contract completed) and learned to speak Spanish well enough that I began working as a VJ for MTV Latin America.

In the interim I also began, what would end up, a 15 year run hosting a live radio show for the number 1 national radio station in Italy. 

For as exciting as it sounds, and it was exciting in many aspects, it was also a serious baptism-by-fire to learn how to become Energetically Sovereign, aka energetically full, protected and unbotherable/unflusterable/unfuckwithable.

I was having a very hard time and it felt like I was having mini breakdowns every day. Often, when I arrived home, I would fall to the floor and cry the moment I was inside the doorway - I couldn’t even make it past the entrance. 

As I cried I would wonder if I was crazy because I couldn’t really put my finger on why I was so tapped out. I didn't know why I was feeling like such a wreck. I never drank, I did no drugs, (I did question if I was burning out on chocolate and croissants... and I probably was) but  I was constantly tapping out and overloading my nervous system. 

Because, when you're in the public eye, when your 'person' is presenting in front of tens of thousands of people, when your face is on television all day, when you're being excitingly chased down the street, you really have to learn quickly what belongs to you and what belongs to others. 

This was my initiation. I had to learn how to clear my energy field and then how to structure it so that I could remain safe and sovereign in volatile environments ...and when I say volatile,  I mean 'energetically volatile' because even something fun and joyful can still be volatile. 

Navigating different cultures, different expectations, discovering fame and the folly that surrounds it gave me quite a lot of experience in the sequencing and mechanics of energy. Because, when you're in the public eye, when your 'person' is presenting in front of tens of thousands of people, when your face is on television all day, when you're being excitingly chased down the street, you have to learn very quickly what belongs to you and what belongs to others. 

Slowly, I learned how to clear and reorganise my energy. I learned how to calm my nervous system by myself. From there, thanks to many teachers along the way (not all teaching from the same dimension), I learned how to encode my field and make a decision about the quality, clarity and purity of the field I carry through the world. 

I now approach my everyday with attention to the energetic details in each situation. The practice of being human is laden with ritual and it also keeps me on my toes. Life is my practice and my religion is a regulated nervous system and a purified energy field.

“I am dedicated to becoming so clear & empty that Love can fill me until I overflow into the World as a Blessing.“