In this lifetime you have the opportunity to leave a legacy that matters.



Energetic Mastery & Radiance

There is power in the unification of all parts of yourself. When you have awakened and embodied your Mastery you are no longer at the mercy of others projections, misaligned energies, competitiveness and false ideas. Your self-mastery becomes the strongest energy in the room and the safety into which you can retreat moment to moment. As you experiment with and begin to experience your renewed wholeness and potency you will develop a satisfyingly deft ability to navigate Life. Your business, your family and the Collective will all benefit. Your potency will feel like safety and you will be able to open to Life. You will discover the magic, ease and delight in surrendering into divine reception of that boundless energy that pours wealth, abundance, romance, grace and the fullness of Love into your opening.

Energetic Business Container

Designed to hold you and your business through deep transitions and upgrades, the energetic business container offers a neutral & coherent field to support the growing edge of the company and it’s players. In this container we will explore your hires and fires based on the field you are holding, your magnetism, your matches and your dissonance. This container offers consultation on energetic matching for employees, location and growth as well as energetic brand alignment and consultation. Each container is bespoke and works with the present time Energetics of the company to support the founders and the business in learning how to hold evermore success and satisfaction without compromising life-force or enjoyment.

Walk with me

Walk with me is a 3, 6 or 9 month energetic container where sessions take place during a walk instead of in an office, boardroom, or online meeting space. We focus on clearing the mind and the energetic field of dissonant programming, cluttered/stuck energy and other people’s problems so that you are free to anchor into your clarity, potency and gifts. In our sessions you will learn how to run (and be the boss of) your own unique energy so that you avoid burnout and release yourself from processing the energies of the collective, your family, your employees and your clients. You will discover how to deftly and quickly drop back into your unique strategy and evoke your deep-seated state of Mastery.

The Phoenix Reset

Big changes can create big upheavals. After burnout, after a break-up, after grief there is a moment we are meant to return to our glory. It may be the first time you return to Yourself. This time carrying the wounds of a Life fully lived and the depth of the wisdom that your hardships have expanded you into. Now is the time to integrate all you have experienced. It is the offering to your nervous system, to your body, mind and soul to reconnect and reform in renewed wholeness and power. The Phoenix Process is a 5 week privately guided protocol combining somatic and energetic practices that clear, anchor and release you into the newly updated versions of your Becoming.

Mini Container

Mini-containers are month and a half refinement containers created expressly for clients who have already completed at least one 3 month container.

Kind words, trusted clients.

“Kristen’s ability to combine vision and strategy to see a path where at first there was no path is masterful. Working with her feels more like playing and strategizing feels more like inventing, she replaces anxiety with joy and dread with excitement. If you get the opportunity to work with her do not pass it by.”

— Mick Fleetwood,
Founder/Drummer of Fleetwood Mac

“Having a conversation with Kristen is like a nectar to one’s soul. She holds such clarity and deep wisdom that can part any clouds in your life within moments. The way she conveys her message with utter love and compassion makes you feel supported and held by the wide web of the Universe. I feel honored and grateful to have her in my life. Kristen has the ability to crack open the doors for the light to come in.”

— Merilyn Keskula,

Author of Moon Power & Founder of Moon Haus/Mylky Moon Lab

“I have worked on my emotions before with professional help yet, for the first time, the Rejuvenation practices have left me focused and rebalanced like never before in my grown-years.

I am both excited and extremely calm, willing to make more but no longer willing to make “too much” if that makes any sense.  And the forgiveness….That hit hard and I need to do so much, but at least the process has started. Thank you”

—Rosella Falcone,

Co-Founder Faro Entertainment

Oh my God! That Rejuvenation course was so good!  I feel so revitalized! So rejuvenated! Kristen, this is the best class EVER! I already want to register for the next one. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. So grateful!”

— Chelsea Hill,

Founder The Language School

“Kristen enabled me to begin to move these negative energetic templates out of my body and into the ethers. Stepping up to heal and thrive is extremely hard and requires serious effort. With Kristen’s soft spoken wisdom, intuition and guidance, I believe I can move mountains.”

— Cricket Guiton

“My session with Kristen was extremely powerful and continues to guide my self-evaluation and evolution as a man, parent, and professional. Kristen is incredibly gifted at delivering her insightful perspectives with both candor and kindness. Simply stated, she enlarges others.”

— Samuel William Jr.

”Kristen has a way of seeing and feeling that goes far beyond human action and thought and into the heart of life…its energetic signature. Understanding life through this lens is incredibly powerful and can shift so many things! Her guidance is gracefully clear yet strong enough to inspire you to stay committed to the path of transformation.”

— Solé Weller,

Wellness Curation and Mentorship / Founder of the 40 Day Transformation

”I looooove Radiance course. Kris is amazing with delivering and clarifying everything. My soul was dancing during those six weeks. It felt like drinking the most delicious fresh water after being thirsty for a while. The afterfeel is like you just did a deep cleaning of your home, threw the old stuff out and filled your home with fresh mountain air, flowers and the most delicious smell of essential oils. I Love it and I recommend it.”

—Dragana Spica,

Therapist and Hypnotherapist


Why work with Kristen?


"My skill set includes amplifying and intimately understanding your life force and work force energy. As I listen, observe and pose questions I will guide you to clear outdated methods, programs and overlays that no longer serve your highest purposes and trajectories. We will focus on clearing and balancing your nervous system so that you will be able to magnify & materialize your ideas as an integral part of your brand and business. Whether you are in an upleveling of your current business and relationships or you are wanting to deepen clarity and feel freedom, our time together will generate consciousness leaps that you can bring into form.


Remote sessions.


Many of my clients live on continents different from mine. Time and space are of no consequence in creating the conditions to remain open, curious and passionately engaged in discovering your inner wisdom...even at a distance. I work with the intangible, inner archetypal energies of You and your business so as long as we are moving in nature we can create a remote program to serve you most deeply.

“There is a path inside of you that leads to your foundational stability and invincibility. All success is born from here.”