Aureum Humanae Altare


You Are Made of Power.

You Are Made of Peace.

You Are Made of Pleasure.

  • Self-Mastery Is A Sexy, Magnetic Frequency.

  • Aha! Is An Access Point To More Of You.

  • Here, You Become The Antidote & The Medicine.


A place where your magnetic frequency finds its home
gently unfolding you into the delicious & grounded person
you are meant to Be & Become.

In here, your very own hidden wisdom is unveiled so you can experience more
Pleasure, Freedom & Peace.

Aha! Initiates Are Leaders & Key-Code Holders Of A New Paradigm That Just Feels Better:

We light up our aura to dismantle stagnation.

We move back into our body to explore our full spectrum humanity.

We become unstuck, unhardened & unarmoured. 

In Aha!

We Allow Life
to Come Into Us,
to Meet Us,
to Hold Us
& to Care For Us

( Together )

  • "The stuff you're teaching us is absolutely blowing my mind."

    — Merilyn Keskula

    Founder of 5F

  • "After doing a 10 min grounding and clearing together, my partner and I experienced the deepest intimacy and best sex we’ve ever had together!"

    Jen Solé, Yogini & Founder of Koko and Rose

  • “Kristen’s ability to combine vision & strategy to see a path where at first there was no path is masterful. Working with her feels more like playing & strategizing feels more like inventing, she replaces anxiety with joy and dread with excitement. If you get the opportunity to work with her do not pass it by.”

    — Mick Fleetwood,
    Founder/Drummer of Fleetwood Mac

  • "Aha! is a catalyst. Dropping into the portal, daily, is clearing my field & creating ripples of what I actually want to experience more of. I am finding myself to be more comfortable in my body + inspired to reclaim every area of my life. Being here is a true gift & I'm so excited to continue this work! "

    Alexa Rose, Founder - Seeds of Remembrance

  • "Kristen enabled me to begin to move these negative energetic templates out of my body and into the ethers. Stepping up to heal and thrive is extremely hard and requires serious effort. With Kristens soft spoken wisdom, intuition & guidance, I believe I can move mountains."

    - Cricket Guiton

Ancient Teachings Meet The Pulse of Now


Ancient Teachings Meet The Pulse of Now |

What if you could get closer to a state of being that doesn’t drain your energy but replenishes it?

Where your outer world reflects the richness of your inner life.

Bringing your frequency into form


Inviting the lower-self strategies to be loved into dissolution.




Robust Library of Energy Practices & Attunements

Live Calls Every Month

Comprehensive PDF Guides, Love Letters, Exclusive Discounts & Ever-Expanding Aha! Curriculum

Foundations of Energetic Self-Mastery

  • Aura Technology

  • Grounding, Clearing & Centering Your Energy

  • Chakra Basics

  • Exploding Frozen Pictures

  • Dissociation, Disembodiment & Popping Out

  • Female & Male Biological Auras

Understanding Your Body/Nervous System/Aura Complex

  • Your Aura

  • Your Lightbody (aka Nervous System)

  • Your Body

Full Access to Ongoing Mini-Classes & Mastery Courses

  • Alleviating Loneliness

  • Exploding Fantasy Pictures To Receive Your Highest Trajectories

  • The Energetics of Receiving

  • Whose Energy Is It? Overwhelm, Confusion & Self-Doubt

  • Turn On Your Pleasure Body 

  • The Radiance Sessions

  • Rejuvenation: Your 6-month Integration

  • Many More To Come…


Why is there a minimum 3 Month commitment to join Aha!?

From my experience, when we begin to move energy, significant shifts occur. Energy work moves fast but the body and nervous system require more time to unfold and integrate fully. 3 consecutive months allow for a sustained and deep engagement to effectively transform, clear & upgrade what is most ready to shift. Offering anything less would shortchange you.

My deepest desire is for you to have this dedicated space accompanying you throughout your time in Aha! Your 3-month commitment provides the minimum necessary duration to begin feeling the fullness of yourself + unite with the true peace, joy & love that resides within. By committing to this period, you allow the energetic container to support you adaptogenically, helping you to ultimately align with your highest trajectories.

How many live calls will we have every month? Will they be recorded? How do I access the live calls and/or recordings?

There will be 2 live calls per month. We will meet via zoom - the calls will be recorded & easily accessible for you - inside the membership portal.

What kind of changes can I expect from doing this work?

The reason our sacred space is called Aha! is because the transformations & changes are adaptogenic. Each person’s Aha! Moment is a personal experience, crafted from the unique combination of everything your consciousness has encountered and aims to experience. You will be met with what is best for you. The invitation is to approach this altar with curiosity & playfulness.

Having said that, I do try to remember that “Change" can sometimes light up the first chakra around survival & belonging. Change and transformation can feel unsettling to the nervous system. So, when we are working with the concepts of “change” or “transformation,” the invitation is to engage with as much alpha consciousness as possible. Understanding that, when working with energy, some changes will feel monumental while others may be more subtle.

While I cannot predict your specific changes or transformations, I can share what I’ve seen in my own life and the lives of my clients: the ability to face the complexities and tensions of everyday life with confidence rather than fear, as well as, experiencing unprecedented amounts of enjoyment & fulfillment.

My own consistent commitment to these practices has led to the dissolution of a laundry list of traumas, and the liberation that has emerged is beyond anything I could have imagined. This work is a harbinger of true and lasting transformation.

How much is the investment?

We are on our second round of Beta Testers (you’re actually Alpha-Consciousness testers 😉🤗). So, for the rest of September and all of October access to the platform is an equal exchange of love and playfulness. We’ve put in our energy and love and invite you to match it in playfulness and curiosity. From November to December anyone wishing to stay in will be invited to join at $22 (Initiate’s Master Number).

January 2025 will be the official opening of Aha! to initiates beyond our Beta Group, the intention is to keep the container tight and intimate. We will open to new initiates 4 times per year - once each quarter. No one will be admitted mid-container.

As we continue to expand our practices and enhance the power of our container, the pricing for memberships may increase over time. While we can’t specify the exact timing or amount of future price increases, we want to assure you that these changes will be communicated well in advance. This will give you the opportunity to review your membership and decide whether to continue at the new rate or cancel if you choose.