Consciousness is the new luxury

Unite with your highest trajectories and rediscover the most refined and pleasurable version of YOURSELF.

Private Initiation Containers & Energetic Mastery Courses

More about how to become the most enchanting energy in the room.

We Belong to Each Other


Get 10 days of Self-Closenness!
Embodiment tricks that easily fold into your everyday life without having to change a thing in your schedule.

Harness the moments of transition to ignite your expansion, excellence and evolution.

Are you in an up-leveling of your current business and relationships?

Are you wanting to deepen your clarity and increase your impact?

Are you ready to meet the next, more pleasurable version of yourself?

“Kristen’s energy is catalyzing, anointing, and healing.

When you get inside an energetic container with her, the doors to your wholeness will be opened once again. Synchronistic opportunities, aligned people, fulfilling partnerships, and purified intuition will flow into your life to support you and usher you into your highest trajectories and timelines.

She will guide you to master your energy and generate consciousness leaps that you can bring into form to:

  • Massively increase your self-mastery & alpha-conciousness

  • Discover and refine your intuitive gifts

  • Turn on your pleasure body & radiance

  • Match your inner wealth with your outer wealth

  • Align & scale your business without hustling

  • Exponentially increase your impcat, energy levels and presence

all without compromising your values or your life-force.  “


“Kristen’s ability to combine vision and strategy to see a path where at first there was no path is masterful. Working with her feels more like playing and strategizing feels more like inventing, she replaces anxiety with joy and dread with excitement. If you get the opportunity to work with her do not pass it by.”

— Mick Fleetwood, Co Founder Fleetwood Mac


Turn on your Pleasure Body 


Get 10 days of Aliveness.

Embodiment tricks that easily fold into your everyday life without having to change a thing in your schedule.